Our free resources - for home and at work - help you and those around you
thrive through loneliness and become more connected humans

connection resolutions
You've decided to prioritise the quality of connection in your life. This is excellent news.
Now what?
Whether you’ve resolved to improve your connection and social health at New Year, or your birthday, or on some random Thursday in September when you’ve decided to do something different, this workbook helps you take your first steps towards getting the connection that you need and deserve.
As heard on
the podcast

connection life audit
It’s time to sharpen a pencil and set aside some time to audit parts of your life.
The exercises in this workbook help you
understand the state of your social health and well-being, giving you a great idea of how – or if – you’re feeding connection, and
feel better connected to yourself, to those most important to you and to your communities.
This is the kind of audit you want to have...
white paper: from isolation to inclusion - addressing loneliness as a DEI challenge in the workplace
This white paper delves into essential Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion strategies that empower organisations to foster a more inclusive and productive workplace.
With actionable insights backed by behavioural science, this resource is designed for leaders who want to drive meaningful change.